Advantages & Disadvantages of Network Cables

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As wireless networking becomes more popular in the computing world, many people are starting to wonder about the advantages and disadvantages of network cables. While wireless is a convenient technology, it still has a way to go before it can become the corporate alternative to network cabling. But cables have their downside as well, and before you invest in a technology to wire your office network, consider the many aspects of using network cables.



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Network cables can be difficult to maintain through time. Cables can fail for a variety of reasons, and when they do they can sometimes be difficult to diagnose. Always have a cable tester available to check network cables if a problem occurs. Network cables get pulled, stepped on and bent, which can cause damage and prevent them from working properly.


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Being Organized

Most network cables are run under the floor or through a drop ceiling and then down a cable drop to the various rooms of the office. When new equipment gets added or workstations get moved, it may be necessary to run more cable. When cables go bad, and they are installed for long distances under a floor or in a ceiling, many times a new cable will be put in place without removing the old one. After a while this collection of cables can get confusing. It can also add to the time it takes to do an equipment move if the cables are not properly marked.



Wireless networking has made advances with security issues, but network cables still offer the most secure connection from a network to a workstation. A shielded network cable has a single connection to that server or workstation that no other workstation can see. A wireless network sends out a signal that can be encrypted, but it also easier for criminals to hack in.




There are several things that can affect a wireless network connection, such as static interference from electrical appliances and a router that needs to be reset. A hard-wired network offers more reliable service and does not have the same level of potential interference that a wireless network does.



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