Advantages of Adobe Pagemaker

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Professional-quality publications are easy to create with Adobe PageMaker templates.

Adobe PageMaker is a software application that enables individuals and groups to create and edit publications. The latest version, Adobe PageMaker 7.0, was noted by PC Magazine in 2001 for adding the data-merge feature. Users can import data from other sources, such as spreadsheets and databases, into a form. This feature is helpful for mail merges. The ability to work with portable digital format (PDF) files also creates possibilities for users who need to perform electronic publishing. For example, a business can publish a form on its website that can be printed in high quality by any Internet user.


Professional Quality

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Desktop publishing programs make it easy for average users to create professional-quality publications for their personal or business needs. For example, a small business owner might want to create a newsletter in Adobe PageMaker using a template. This approach saves the small business owner the cost of hiring an outside firm to produce the brochure.


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Adobe PageMaker 7 offers hundreds of templates for users, including one-page flyers and fancy reports. When the user opens a template, the predetermined page elements, including margins, borders, text boxes and illustration boxes are already lined up. The small business owner can use a flyer template with the data-merge feature with information from a database or spreadsheet to create mass mailings. With client information printed on each flyer, the small business owner sends out a professional-quality piece without outsourcing to a marketing firm.


Quick Layout

In the layout view, the user can input text and graphics into the print publication document. For example, a newsletter creator can input logos and photographs from advertisers. It is easy to paste graphics into a print document by using preformatted boxes in the PageMaker document.


The user can also quickly lay out the newest edition of a serial publication. For a newsletter with multiple pages, the user creates a master page and then copies the master page for subsequent pages in the document. For documents with different page styles, multiple master pages can be created. For a publication with multiple editions, the layering technology enables making a new layer for each issue of the publication.




Adobe PageMaker offers compatibility with other Adobe products and with printing devices. For example, after creating graphics in Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop, the user can insert these compatible images into the publication.


PageMaker also offers professional-quality color options and color management. Users can change the colors to print and the amount of toner to use depending on the printing job. Documents will also print on the newest printing devices, such as digital quick-printers and heavy-duty commercial printers. That means the small business owner can take the newsletter file to a printing service for mass printing if needed.



PageMaker offers a wrapping feature also found in programs like Microsoft Word and Publisher. When the user creates boxes for graphics, the text in the document can wrap around them. When the user creates smaller text boxes, the wrapping feature enables the main body of text on the page to wrap around the text in text boxes.


