A GPT partition is a protected type of system partition that prevents you from modifying data in the usual fashion until the GPT protection is removed. Accomplish this through use of the disk partitioning tools in your computer's operating system to remove GPT protection from the disk, thereafter enabling you to format the drive like any other on your computer.
Step 1
Click "Start" and type "cmd" in the "Search" box.
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Step 2
Right click "cmd." Select "Run as Administrator."
Step 3
Type "diskpart.exe." Press "Enter." Type "list disk" and press "Enter."
Step 4
Type "select x" and press "Enter," replacing "x" with the letter of the GPT partition. Type "clean" and press "Enter" to remove GPT protection.
Step 5
Type "format x:" and press "Enter" to format the GPT partition.
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