Basic Computer Knowledge Questions

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A desktop computer

Basic computer knowledge questions are questions relating to the standard uses of computers. These questions, which tend to deal with simple tasks and functions of a computer, reveal a lot about a person's familiarity, or fluency, with a computer. As these questions are not intuitive by nature, a person with no computer experience won't be able to simply fudge their answers. Whether preparing for a basic computer knowledge test or interview yourself or creating questions to use in a test or interview you are giving, here are some sample questions to get you started.


Which One Is Not An Output Device?

Video of the Day

A) Printer B) Monitor C) Keyboard D) Modem

Video of the Day

The answer is C.

All Computers Must Have:

A) Word processing software B) An operating system C) A printer attached D) A virus checking program


The answer is B.


The number system that only uses two digits, 0 and 1, is called the ___**_** number system.


The answer is "binary."

Using A Mouse

What would you do to highlight a word? You position the cursor next to the word, and then:


A) Drag mouse while holding button down B) Click mouse once C) Roll mouse around D) Roll and then click mouse

The answer is A.



What is the font?


A) The shape of the letters and characters in your document B) A type of paper with tear-off edges used with computers C) The speed at which your printer transmits letters D) The brightness setting on your screen

The answer is A.



The term ___ refers to the computer's physical components, such as the monitor, keyboard, memory chips, and hard drive.

A) firmware B) output C) hardware D) software


The answer is C.


___**** is a program used to create documents such as letters, essays, and resumes.

The answer is "word processor." However, Microsoft Word or other word processing programs are also acceptable answers.


