Can I Change the Voice on Google Translate?

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Google Translate can speak some translations in an automated voice, and different languages employ different voices in the translator. However, the only way to change the voice is to change the language. There's only one voice for each language that offers voice translation because the translator uses different modules for a text-to-speech program for each individual language supported by audible translation. Not all languages in Google Translate have voice translation.


Step 1

Go to to access Google Translate.

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Step 2

Enter the words to translate into the left field.

Step 3

Click the drop-down arrow over the rightmost field and select the language to which you want to translate the entry. The translator automatically generates a translation (if available) in the right field.



Step 4

Click the speaker icon to hear the translation spoken.

Step 5

Select a different language and click the speaker icon to hear a different voice speak the translation in a different language.

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