How to Create JPEG Files From Microsoft Word

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Microsoft Word is a word processing program that provides a drawing function that allows you to create your own images. Common images you may create in Microsoft Word include banners, flyers and stationery. You can also use Microsoft Word as an image creator for JPEG images. Microsoft Word doesn’t support saving files as JPEG files, but you can save and convert the image in only a few steps.


Step 1

Open a Microsoft Word document. Open either an existing document with an image or a blank document. Create your images if you’re using a blank document. To do this, click the "Insert" tab and select the "Shapes" menu. Using the drawing tools to make your image.

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Step 2

Click the “File" menu and select "Save As.” Choose “Web Page” as the file type. Name your document anything you want and click "Save."


Step 3

Open the saved web page document and right-click the image on the page. Select “Save Image As” and save as a GIF image. This is the default setting.


Step 4

Right-click the new GIF image and click “Open With.” Choose “Paint” from the list of available programs.


Step 5

Once in Paint, go click the "File" menu and select "Save As.” Choose “JPEG” from the file type list and click "Save."

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