Electronic Products That Have a Microprocessor

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Microprocessors are in more electronic devices than you imagine.

Microprocessors have invaded almost every device you can imagine. From home electronics to the machinery used to control railroads and aircraft, microprocessors can be found everywhere. The first microprocessors were used in large computers and home calculators. Later, microprocessors found their way into home video game units and home computers. Currently, you might find a microprocessor in many home devices, including your toaster, microwave and iron.


Function of a Microprocessor

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A microprocessor is simply a logic device for any type of electronic unit. Microprocessors, as their name implies, do the majority of the processing for their requisite device. Four-bit processors came first and were used in devices such as calculators. As of 2010, 64-bit dual- and quad-core processors are the types of processors most commonly used in home computers.


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Home Items with Microprocessors

Even your microwave probably has a microprocessor.

Some home items that may contain microprocessors include televisions, VCRs, DVD players, microwaves, toasters, ovens, stoves, clothes washers, stereo systems, home computers, hand-held game devices, thermostats, video game systems, alarm clocks, bread machines, dishwashers, home lighting systems and even some refrigerators with digital temperature control.



Industrial Items with Microprocessors

Some industrial items with microprocessors include: cars, boats, planes, trucks, heavy machinery, gasoline pumps, credit card processing units, traffic control devices, elevators, computer servers, most high tech medical devices, digital kiosks, security systems, surveillance systems and even some doors with automatic entry.



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