How to Fix a Laptop That Is Stuck in Zoom

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Laptop screens can sometimes become stuck in zoom mode.
Image Credit: Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images

On occasion, you may find your laptop stuck in a zoom mode where all icons and windows on the screen appear very large. This often happens if you have recently connected your laptop computer to a digital projector or an external monitor. Whether you are using a PC or a Mac computer, you can adjust the monitor resolution and return to a normal display viewing.


PC Instructions

Video of the Day

Step 1

Close all programs or windows that are currently open.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Right-click on any blank space in the desktop and choose "Properties" from the contextual menu that appears.


Step 3

Go to the "Settings" tab at the top of the pop-up window.

Step 4

Move the "Screen resolution" bar further to the right to zoom out the display.

Step 5

Click on the "Advanced" button on the right side of the window.


Step 6

Open the "DPI" drop-down menu and select the "Normal size" option.

Step 7

Press "OK" twice to save the display settings and exit from zoom mode.


Mac Instructions

Step 1

Click on the "System Preferences" icon in the Dock.


Step 2

Go to the "Displays" control panel in the "Hardware" section.

Step 3

Select a higher resolution from the list of options on the left side of the window.

Step 4

Wait for the laptop screen to adjust to the new resolution and exit zoom mode.

Step 5

Close the System Preferences window.


