How Can I Turn on Track Changes Without Changing the View on Microsoft Word?

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How Can I Turn on Track Changes Without Changing the View on Microsoft Word?
Image Credit: Wavebreakmedia Ltd/Wavebreak Media/Getty Images

If you've ever worked collaboratively on a document, you know how important it is to know when changes have been made. Microsoft Office Word includes a Track Changes feature that displays the changes made to a document in a way that is easy to read, accessible by all the document's editors, and easy to hide when the document is ready to publish. You can use Track Changes in any of Word's editing views by enabling it from the Review tab on the task ribbon.


Step 1

Click the Review tab on the editing ribbon at the top of the Microsoft Word window.

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Step 2

Locate the Tracking group and click the Track Changes icon to enable the feature.

Step 3

Click "Accept" or "Reject" under Changes on the Review tab of the task ribbon to remove changes or make them permanent. To turn off Track Changes altogether, click the Review tab and click the Track Changes icon again.



Step 4

Click the Show Markup menu on the Review tab and choose Reviewers. Clear the check boxes next to each of the listed reviewers to hide their changes. Clearing the check boxes next to all reviewers will hide all the changes, but they will still be tracked.

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