Many of the newer-model cell phones have computer connectivity, which allows for music transfers, wallpaper transfers and the download of many useful applications. In addition to these benefits, you can download pictures from your phone to your computer and make adjustments to your phone's storage settings. Phones with larger space, such as iPhones, may contain a video player that also allows you to download video files from your PC directly to your phone using a data wire or USB cord.
Video of the Day
Step 1
Install the software that came with your phone. If you have misplaced the software CD, you can go to your phone manufacturer's website and download it or buy it directly from the manufacturer. Without the CD, your computer will not recognize your phone and may corrupt the installation process.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Connect your phone to the USB data cord. This cord must be the exact one that was supplied with your phone.
Step 3
Insert the SD card into the back of your phone and then connect your phone to the computer via the USB cord. Do not connect your phone to the PC until you are prompted by the software. If you are not prompted, and the software has finished installing, connect the phone to the PC.
Step 4
Wait for the software to autorun. If the software was installed correctly, the phone will enter USB mode or the drive for your phone will appear in the "My Computer" folder.
File Transferring
Step 1
Connect your phone to your PC by using the USB cord supplied with your phone.
Step 2
Click the "Start" button or Windows emblem in the bottom left corner of your PC screen (toolbar).
Step 3
Open the "My Computer" folder and locate the drive that has your phone's model or make on it. Double-click the drive.
Step 4
Open the folder to which you wish to transfer files. If you are transferring music to your phone, open the music folder. If you are transferring pictures, open the picture folder.
Step 5
Open the drive on the PC that houses the file you want to transfer to your phone. Left-click the selected file one time and drag it over to your phone's open folder.