How Do I Attach a PDF to a LinkedIn Profile?

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You can upload media file and links to enhance your LinkedIn profile.
Image Credit: Jupiterimages/Stockbyte/Getty Images

You can showcase your professional work samples on LinkedIn by uploading a PDF file directly to your profile with the Upload File feature on the Edit Profile page. When you upload a file to your profile, a preview of the file appears in the designated section on your profile. You can also use a third-party cloud storage service to host a PDF file and then add a link to the file on your LinkedIn profile. Content you add to your profile is public and may be seen by anyone who visits your profile.


Upload PDF File

Video of the Day

Step 1

Sign in to your LinkedIn account on the Web. Move your cursor over "Profile" at the top and then select "Edit Profile." You can use the Edit Profile page to manage your profile information and file attachments.


Video of the Day

Step 2

Scroll down to the section of your profile where you want your PDF file uploaded, such as Summary, Education or Experience. Click the "Click to Add Video, Image, Document, Presentation…" button, resembling a square with a plus to the right of the section's header. Select "Upload File" and then browse to and open the PDF file on your computer.


Step 3

Enter a name for your document into the "Title" field and then enter an optional description into the "Description" field. Click the "Save" button to upload the file. It may take a few moments for your file to appear on your profile.

Step 1

Upload a PDF file to a free cloud storage service, such as Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive (links in Resources).


Step 2

Copy the public link for your PDF file. This process varies depending on your storage service. For example, select "Share," "Share a Link" or "Create Public Link." If prompted, limit the permissions for your file's link to "View," "View Only" or "Read-Only."



Step 3

Sign in to LinkedIn, select "Profile" and then "Edit Profile" at the top of the page. Scroll to the section where you want to add the link to your PDF file, such as Summary, Education or Experience.

Step 4

Click the "Click to Add a Video, Image, Document, Presentation…" link, resembling a square with a plus sign next to the section's header, and then select "Add a Link."


Step 5

Paste the public link for your PDF file into the field under "Add a Link." A preview of your file appears above. Enter a title into the "Title" field. You can enter an optional description for your file into the "Description field. Click the "Add to Profile" button.



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