LG phones mainly work with AT&T and Verizon, and the voicemail retrieval system is different for both companies. If you have a generic PIN number for your voicemail on your LG cell phone, you can easily change it to something more private. Verizon requires that you enter a unique PIN--the company does not provide a generic PIN. You should choose a voice mail PIN that is easy for you to remember but difficult for others to figure out.
Verizon Voicemail Reset
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Step 1
Press "*611" on your LG cell phone. Hit "Send" to access the customer service menu.
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Step 2
Press "2" on your phone to choose the voicemail options.
Step 3
Press "1" to choose the voice mail PIN reset.
Step 4
Enter your zip code. The automated voice may ask you for your Social Security number or some other security prompt.
Step 5
Type in your new password.
AT&T Voicemail Reset
Step 1
Dial your LG phone's number and hit "Send." Or, hold "1" to access your voicemail from your LG phone.
Step 2
Enter your current PIN (the default is your phone number).
Step 3
Press "4," which is "Personal Options."
Step 4
Press "2," which is "Administrative Options."
Step 5
Press "1" to change your voicemail PIN.
Step 6
Enter in your new voicemail PIN.