Do you need to show the boss a selection of your work on-screen, or keep a record of that high score on solitaire for your friends? Many times the easiest way to capture and share your work on the computer is to take a screenshot. A screenshot produces an image of your computer screen, allowing you to edit and share, for example, multiple spreadsheets, websites or documents in one easy-to-manage, easy-to-send file.
Video of the Day
Step 1
Hold Command-Shift-3 to take a shot of the entire screen. This image will be saved on your desktop.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Hold Command-Shift-4, then, using your cursor, select a part of the screen for a screenshot. This selected area will be saved on your desktop.
Step 3
Edit the image in programs such as Photoshop or Paintbrush to remove unwanted portions of your original image.
Windows XP
Step 1
Press the Print Screen key on your PC keyboard. This may be labeled as PrintScreen or PrtScn. This copies your screenshot onto the clipboard.
Step 2
Open Microsoft Paint. This is a photo editing software tool that comes with Windows.
Step 3
Select the Edit menu and click Paste. Alternatively, hold Ctrl-V to paste the screenshot into Paint.
Step 4
Select the File menu and click Save As. From this menu, you will be able to choose the place to save your image, as a PNG or JPG format. You will also be able to edit your image within Paint before saving.