How to Accept & Print Changes in Adobe Acrobat Professional

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Adobe Acrobat Professional is a software application that is most commonly used to view portable document format (PDF) files. However, many people may not realize that Adobe Acrobat Professional has extensive editing capabilities. A writer can send her PDF file to and editor and the editor can make changes on the document itself. The writer can then accept the changes and print out a new PDF file.


Step 1

Open Adobe Acrobat Professional and open the PDF you would like print.

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Step 2

Review your document and find any changes that have been made. There are many types of changes that can be done in Adobe Acrobat Professional. Some involve actual changes to the text, while others may involve enhancing the document itself.


Step 3

Accept the changes that have been made to your document. To do this, click "Tools > Comment & Markup > Show > show by status > review > accept." A dialog box will appear asking you if you would like to accept the changes, click "OK."


Step 4

Save your document and rename it so that you do not mix up your old document with your newly edited document.


Step 5

Print your document by clicking "File > Print." You have now successfully accepted the changes to your document and printed a new document.

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