How to Add a Cover to an E-Book PDF

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If you have written an e-book, you may want to add a cover. You'll want to create the perfect cover for your book because, despite the old adage, people generally do judge books by their covers. Since you've written the e-book and made it into a PDF, you already know how to use Adobe and you have the proper software installed on your computer. All you need now is the finishing touch -- an eye-catching cover added to the e-book's PDF.


Step 1

Open your e-book PDF. Select "Document," "Pages" and then "Insert." Go to "Insert Dialogue" and click "Select." Select your jpeg cover image. Choose where in the e-book file you want your cover graphic to appear, when the "Insert Pages Dialogue" box appears. Choose the option to have the cover graphic appear first in the document, and ti will become the first page.

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Step 2

Open the "Location" drop-down list and click "Before" and then "OK." This will move your cover image from the first page to the actual cover location of your book. Verify the location of the cover graphic by clicking the "Pages Palette" tab.

Step 3

Change the cover image from being listed as page one by selecting "Number Pages" from the "Option" menu at the top of the "Pages Palette." Insert an inside front cover page; this page can be blank, if you like. By inserting an inside front cover, you ensure that your cover image cannot revert to the first page.



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Tips & Warnings

  • If your cover graphic is not your original art, make sure it's a public domain image or an image you purchased or have permission to use. You don't want to become embroiled in a copyright dispute.

