How to Add a Default Printer for All New Users

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Microsoft Windows supports a number of printers connected to any one machine. Windows allows users to customize their preferred printer for one-click and quick printing. If you create a new user on a Windows system, the default printer will not be set. Windows 7 allows you to configure a default printer for all users with a quick command-line setting. You must have Administrative access to the system and have the printer configured to run this command.


Step 1

Click "Start" and type "Command Prompt" in the Start menu.

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Step 2

Press "SHIFT"+"ENTER" to run the Command Prompt with Administrator privileges.

Step 3

Click "Start" and type "Print Management." Press "Enter."


Step 4

Look at the name listed under "Printer Name" for the printer you would like to make default. Double-click it to open the "Properties" dialog.


Step 5

Right-click the highlighted "Printer Name" label and click "Copy."


Step 6

Return to your console Window and type "ntprint /setdefault name=" and press "Enter." Replace with the printer name on your clipboard. You can paste this by right-clicking the console window and clicking "Paste."

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