How to Add OS to Windows Boot Manager

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How to Add OS to Windows Boot Manager
Image Credit: Cecilie_Arcurs/E+/GettyImages

The Windows operating system allows users to customize their specific user settings to a degree that Mac enthusiasts would be difficult to obtain. This is due in large part to the transparent nature of the Windows operating system interface and the various methods available to users for thoroughly tinkering with the functional mechanics of their software. The Windows Boot Manager allows users to specifically choose which preinstalled operating system should be launched when their computer is first turned on. Fortunately, you can add OS to the list of available systems in Boot Manager relatively easily.


Windows Boot Manager Basics

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The Windows Boot Manager is an excellent example of a tool that can benefit computer users, but is not absolutely necessary to address. Broadly defined, the Boot Manager picks and chooses the specific operating system from those readily available in order to launch applications and control hardware elements. Left to its own devices, the Boot Manager will likely choose the preconfigured operating system found on the "C" drive. However, if you would prefer that your computer use a different operating system while booting, you will have to first add it into the Boot Manager.


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Each time you install an operating system on your computer, Windows Boot Manager should automatically create a new entry for the system, allowing you to quickly access it as needed. However, if for some reason the entry that should have been created is not there, you will have to manually insert this information.


Using Bootmgr to Add Entries

Although Windows Boot Manager should have automatically created an entry for your new operating system, a situation may arise where a new entry is needed. In fact, a single operating system can have multiple boot entries if the need exists. Some users may choose to create a variety of boot entries for a single operating system, each of which differ in terms of the specific loading parameters for the system in question.


To get started with adding an entry, you will first need to open your Command Prompt window while you are operating your computer via the Administrator login. After the Command Prompt window has been opened, you can input "cd c:" to navigate directly to the root level of your "C" drive.


Once here, you can make a copy of your current boot entry and place it in your "D" drive. Do this by typing "bcdedit /copy {current} /d "[insert the name of your operating system here]" and then pressing the "Enter" key. At this point, a boot loader will be generated that can be used to complete this process.



Completing the Process

Next, type "bcdedit /set { } device partition=D:" placing the series of numbers that first appeared in the curly brackets in the previous steps into the brackets here. After pressing "Enter," then type "bcdedit /set { } osdevice partition=D:" yet again inserting the same numerical identifier. After pressing the "Enter" key, you should have successfully added your new operating system directly into the Windows Boot Manager.


You can now restart your computer. During the startup process, your computer should now correctly display the name of the new operating system you added within the Windows Boot Manager.


