How to Align Bullets in Microsoft Word

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Like their real-life counterparts, bullets on an electronic document serve as a way to make short, sharp points that can really have an impact. Microsoft Word's bullet-making process is similar to that of other programs in its Microsoft Office Suite and require just a few clicks to sort, rearrange and align. Whether you're starting from scratch with aligning bullets or adjusting some out of alignment, Word will assist you to "fire up" your document.


Step 1

Open Microsoft Word. Click the "File" tab. Click "Open." Browse to the document with the bullets to align and double-click the file name. The document opens in a new Word window. Scroll to the section with the bullets to align.

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Step 2

Highlight all the bullets to align. Click the "Home" tab at the top of the screen if it is not already in focus.


Step 3

Click one of the alignment options, which are small icons with tiny lines, in the "Paragraph" section of the ribbon/toolbar. Click the "Right Alignment" button to right-align the bullets, click the "Center Alignment" button to center the bullets.


Step 4

Align bullets by hand to give them a custom look by highlighting one or more bullets, then using the ruler at the top of the Word workspace to drag them into place. Use the top triangle slider bar to align the bullets' first lines and the bottom triangle slider bar to align the rest of the text in the bullet.

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