How to Allow a Desktop Remote on Norton Internet Security

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Remote Desktop connections occur over port 3389 in Windows by default. Norton Internet Security, unless properly configured, may not allow connections through this port. You can change the settings in Norton Internet Security to allow connections through port 3389 by creating a new firewall rule in the software.


Step 1

Open Norton Internet Security, click "Norton Internet Security" in the main page and then click the "Settings" button.

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Step 2

Click on the "Personal Firewall" option, click "Configure" and then click on the "Personal Firewall" option.


Step 3

Select the "Advanced Settings" option, click the "Configure" button, click the "Add" button and then select the rule to allow a program through a port.

Step 4

Click "Next," select "Internet" as the type of connection, click "Next" again, select "TCP" as the protocol and then type "3389" as the port.



Step 5

Select the "Next" button twice, type in a name for the rule (such as "Remote Desktop"), then click "Next" and "Finish."

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