If you want to block specific websites from your computer, you can do so by modifying the Hosts file on the computer with a text editor, such as Notepad. The Hosts file is the file on the computer that tells it what websites to map to what IP addresses. By placing a certain line of code in this file, you can block any website you want, and your computer will not be able to get to it.
Step 1
Open Notepad on your computer by clicking "Start," "All Programs," "Accessories" and then "Notepad." If you are running Vista/7, you will need to right-click the program name and select "Run as Administrator."
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Step 2
Click "File," "Open" and then browse to the following file: "C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts." The Hosts file has no file extension. Click the "Open" button.
Step 3
Put two new lines into the Hosts file for each website that you wish to block. The two lines are " www.examplesite.com\" and " examplesite.com," where "examplesite.com" is the example website you wish to block.
Step 4
Save the file and exit Notepad. The website is now blocked.
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