How to Burn an Audio CD With VLC

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The VLC media player, by VideoLAN, is a free open-source cross platform media player. It allows you to watch just about every kind of video file you can throw at it without installing any additional software or codecs. You also can take screen shots of videos or record live streaming video of the Internet. You even can zoom in on certain parts of the video. The media player also plays music files. It is possible to rip music from your audio CDs using VLC.


Step 1

Launch the VLC player or download it from the official VideoLAN website and install it.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Click on "Media" and "Convert/Save," then click on the "Disc" tab. Insert the audio CD into your CD/DVD drive.


Step 3

Click "Audio CD" and "Browse," then select the CD/DVD drive and click "Convert/Save." The "Convert" screen now appears.

Step 4

Click "Browse" and choose the location where you want VLC to save the ripped audio. Under settings, select the "Tool" icon. The "Form" screen now appears.



Step 5

Click the "Audio codec" tab, select the desired format, bitrate, channels and sample rate, then click "Save." The "Convert" screen now appears. Click "Start" to begin the conversion process.

Step 6

Wait for VLC media player to finish the conversion. Go to the location where you saved the output files and click on the file to listen. You can use the VLC media player or another player to listen to the ripped audio.

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