How to Burn ISO's to a Flash Drive

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You can copy ISO files to a flash drive.

Flash drives now come with very large storage capacities making them capable of storing large files like the ISO. ISO files are exact images of the disks they come from and are often used as a disk backup. You can burn them to discs, store them on a hard drive or even mount them as a virtual drive. This means your computer will actually see the ISO file as a disk drive.


Step 1

Turn on your computer and wait as it boots up. Insert your flash drive into the computer's USB port and wait for your computer to install the necessary drivers.

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Step 2

Download and install either one of the programs from the resource section of this guide. Imgburn and Nero offer about the same features, so using either one will be fine for this application.


Step 3

Open the software once you have installed it. If you are using Imgburn, click "Create image file from files/folders." Click "Data Burning" if you are using Nero.

Step 4

Drag the files/folders into the open program window and the files will automatically load into the program. Click the "Destination" icon in Imgburn and select your flash drive from the list of drives. Click the green arrow to burn the ISO file to the flash drive.



If you are working with Nero, click the "Destination Drive" drop-down menu and select "Image Recorder." Click the browse button and select your flash drive. Click "Burn" and your ISO file will be burnt to the flash drive.

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