How to Calculate Durability

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In metallurgy and materials science, durability is the measurement of an object's fracture toughness used to determine the level of stress the object is able to withstand. Durability calculation is applicable to various items such as chemicals, civil and mechanical engineering or commerce, and the applications vary. Calculating the original and the current performance gives an item its true worth. It is essential to know how your object operates in order to analyze and calculate its durability.


Step 1

Identify an item and material suitable for the analysis — for example, a set of gears, a drill and drill bit, or a toy car assembly. Assume that it is new and has no ware. Choose materials that wear faster to achieve instant results, such as wood, rubber, soft metal like aluminum, or glass.


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Step 2

Set up a drill with a wooden or glass bit so that it functions the same way as a real drill bit. Take its durability as 48, 100 as its maximum durabilityand zero as the minimum durability at which the object gets destroyed. This number, 48, applies to crafted materials like glass or wood. Measure the length of the drill bit.


Step 3

Set the drill in motion, such that the motion represents the normal working sequence for mechanical gears. Ensure that the drill is pressed on a hard surface such as concrete to give it enough maximum load.

Step 4

Let the drill work for some time, and ensure you also record the time it takes the drill to work. Stop the drill after a set time and measure the drill bit again. Take note of any significant change in length. The change in length is the operation ware, as a result of stress. The result of this test yields the performance and tare ratio, and predicts the load required for the particular item.



Step 5

Write durability as two different figures divided by a forward slash sign. The first number is the durability before the drill operates, the second is its durability. The durability of the drill before the set up and motion is 48/100. The drill bit durability, therefore, is 48 divided by 100 minus the change in length of the drill bit; for example, if the change in length is 1 inch, the final durability is 48 divided by 99, which is 2.0625.

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