How to Call Your Own Cell Number

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Call your own cell number.

The compact size of a cell phone is a great convenience when you need to store your cell phone. However, this size also makes a cell phone easy to lose. That's where the problem lies. Many people use their cell phone as their main way of communication, so when the phone is lost, it is difficult to call the cell number to locate the phone. Finding the cell phone can entail using landlines, your friend' phone or online resources to call the cell number.


Landline Phone

Video of the Day

Step 1

Lift the receiver of your landline phone.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Wait for the dial tone so you can call your cell number.


Step 3

Dial your cell phone number to call your cell phone.

Where's My Cell Phone

Step 1

Access the Where's My Cell Phone website.


Step 2

Dial your cell phone number.

Step 3

Press the "Make It Ring" button to listen for your cell phone ring.


Friend’s Cell Phone

Step 1

Ask to use a friend's cell phone.


Step 2

Dial your cell phone number.

Step 3

Listen for your cell phone to ring to locate it.


