How to Change Cell Phone Pictures to JPEG

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Image Credit: Jupiterimages/ Images

Change, or convert, cell phone pictures to JPEG (JPG) format with a simple graphics converter utility application. One free downloadable media converter, Media-Convert, requires no additional downloads or software installations. The user-friendly Media-Convert application will convert cell phone pictures into the JPEG format in just a few simple steps. In addition, Media-Convert quickly and easily converts video files, audio files, documents and other file types online for free.


Step 1

Connect your cell phone to a computer according the instructions for the phone, then copy the picture you would like to convert to the computer desktop.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Open a Web browser and enter the URL for the Media-Convert application. (See Resources.)


Step 3

Click inside the box labeled "File" to initiate the File Upload navigator.

Step 4

Browse to the cell phone picture, and click the file to load into the File Upload navigator.

Step 5

Leave the "Automatic Detection" option selected in the "Input Format" drop-down box. Using this selection, the application will automatically determine the file type of the cell phone pictures.


Step 6

Click the drop-down box labeled "Output Format," then select the "Joint PH Experts Group (".jpg," ".jfif," ".jif," ".jpe," ".jpeg") option.


Step 7

Click the "OK" button to convert the file. The file will save in the same location as the original picture.


Step 8

Open Windows Explorer, then navigate to the new JPEG file.

Step 9

Open in a compatible image viewer to test the JPEG file.

Step 10

Repeat the process for each cell phone picture to convert each image to the JPEG format.

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