How Do I Set Bluebeam As My Default PDF Reader?

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Bluebeam is a software company that provides an alternative to Adobe for creating, viewing and editing PDF files. If you are a user of Bluebeam's software and have decided to use it as your primary PDF viewer, you will want to set Bluebeam as your default PDF reader. This simply means that when you open any PDF file, the file will automatically open in Bluebeam. Setting Bluebeam as your default PDF reader will slightly differ for a Windows computer and a Mac computer.


Setting Default Applications in Windows

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Step 1

Open your control panel by clicking "Start" and then "Control Panel." Click on the "Programs" link in the control panel.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Click the "Make a file type always open in a specific program" link in the "Default programs" header.

Step 3

Find "PDF" in the list of file extensions in the "Set Associations" window. Click on it once you have found it.

Step 4

Click "Change Program" and then click "Browse." This will allow you to select the program from your computer.


Step 5

Find and select Bluebeam and click the "Ok" button. This will save your settings.

Step 6

Double-click a PDF file and it should automatically open in Bluebeam.

Setting Default Applications in Mac OSX

Step 1

Find a PDF file on your computer. You can type "PDF" into the search bar of your "Finder" to list the PDFs on your computer.


Step 2

Right-click the PDF file and select "Get Info." This will open a window that will allow you to change default programs.


Step 3

Select "Bluebeam" from the "Open with" drop-down menu. If it is not listed, click the drop-down menu and select "Other." Find and select "Bluebeam" from your applications folder on your computer.


Step 4

Click the "Change all" button located underneath the "Open with" drop-down menu. Every time you open a PDF, it will open in Bluebeam.

Step 5

Open a PDF file to ensure that you have changed the setting correctly.


