When you click an email link in Adobe Reader XI, your Windows 8.1 computer automatically opens its default email application. While this can be a handy time-saver, it can also be a pain if the email app that opens isn't the one you want to use. Take advantage of the Preferences panel in Adobe Reader or the Defaults section of your computer's PC Settings screen to change the default email client that opens when you click email links in Adobe Reader.
Changing the Email Client in Adobe Reader
Video of the Day
Step 1
Click "Edit" on the main menu in Adobe Reader and select "Preferences" to open the Preferences panel.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Select "Internet" from the left side of the Preferences panel and then click the "Internet Settings" button near the bottom in the right pane.
Step 3
Click "Programs," select "Email" and then choose the application you want to assign as the default email client for Adobe Reader. Click "OK" to save your changes.
Changing the Default Email Client in Windows PC Settings
Step 1
Swipe your mouse pointer to the top-right corner of your screen, select "Settings" and click "Change PC Settings."
Step 2
Click "Search and apps" and then select "Defaults" to open the Defaults page. This is the page on which you set the default programs associated with all content types on your computer.
Step 3
Click the existing default application displayed under the Email heading and then select a new one from the list of compatible programs currently installed on your computer.
If there is no default app set when you first load the Defaults page, click the "Choose a default" link under the Email heading and then select your desired application.