How to Change the VLC Player Icons

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VLC Media Player plays both audio and video files.

VLC Media Player has become a popular video and audio player for computers due to the fact that it works on all major operating systems, along with its high compatibility with various audio and video formats and short loading times. However, the default interface for VLC Media Player is simplistic and may not be to every user's liking. For this reason, VLC includes an option to customize the icons in the interface. Add, remove or rearrange the icons in the VLC Media Player interface to achieve the appearance that you want for the player.


Step 1

Launch VLC Media Player. Click the "View" menu at the top of the VLC window, then click "Customize Interface." A new window appears. On the right side of the window, an outline of the current interfaces for the standard view of the VLC window, the advanced view and the full screen view are displayed. On the left side, a bank of all available interface icons is shown.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Click the drop-down menu next to "Toolbar Position" to move the move the toolbar panel to a different section of the VLC player window. By default, the interface toolbar is displayed at the bottom of the window.

Step 3

Click the drop-down menu next to "Select Profile" to change the interface to another pre-defined interface such as "Modern Style" or "Classic Style." This eliminates the need to manually drag toolbar icons around the screen, which can be tedious for some users.


Step 4

Drag an icon from the left section of the window to one of the interface outlines on the right side of the window to add that icon to the interface. The vertical blue line that appears when you hold the icon over the outline indicates where the icon will be when you release the mouse button. If you are unhappy with the icon's position, drag it to another area of the interface.



Step 5

Drag an icon away from the interface outline to remove it from the interface.

Step 6

Click the "Close" button when you are happy with your new settings.

Video of the Day


