The network time protocol (NTP) is used on networks to sync the Windows client machine clocks to a server's clock. This keeps every client computer on your network synchronized with the same network time. It's beneficial for network administrators who oversee time applications such as employee time cards and scheduling software. You can use the Windows command prompt to set the NTP settings for a client machine on your network.
Step 1
Click the Windows Start button and select "Run." Enter "cmd" to start the Windows command prompt.
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Step 2
Type "net time /querysntp" to view your current network time server. You can resynchronize with this server or add a new server.
Step 3
Type "net time /setsntp:
Step 4
Type "net stop w32time && net start w32time" into the command prompt. This restarts the time service and synchronizes with your configured time server.
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