How to Configure Outlook Express for WiFi

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From searching websites to accessing web-based email, Wi-Fi allows you to access the Internet wirelessly from a variety of places around the world. Wi-Fi networks can connect multiple devices—not just computers, but also smartphones and video consoles. You can even access your Outlook Express email account with Wi-Fi. To configure the connection, you need to make a modification to the way Outlook Express recognizes an Internet connection. If you subscribe to a Wi-Fi service, like AT&T's Wi-Fi, you can even set up another email address tied to the Wi-Fi service.


Outlook Express Configuration for an Existing Email Account

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Step 1

Click on the Outlook Express icon on your computer's Desktop to open the program or click on the program name on the "All Programs" menu.

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Step 2

Click "Tools" then "Accounts." The "Internet Accounts" dialog box will appear.


Step 3

Click on the "Mail" tab. Click on the email account under the "Account" heading. If multiple email accounts are listed, click on the account you want to configure for Wi-Fi access.

Step 4

Click "Properties."


Step 5

Click on the "Connection" tab.

Step 6

Click on the check box by "Always connect to this account using:" to deselect this option. You will see the box below this heading turn gray.


Step 7

Click "Apply" then "OK."

Step 8

Click "Close." Click on the "X" located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to close Outlook Express.

Step 9

Click on the Outlook Express icon on your computer's Desktop to re-open the program or click on the program name on the "All Programs" menu.



You have now configured Outlook Express to work with any Wi-Fi connection.

Outlook Express Configuration for a New Wi-Fi Email Account

Step 1

Click on the Outlook Express icon on your computer's Desktop to open the program or click on the program name on the "All Programs" menu.


Step 2

Click "Tools" then "Accounts." The "Internet Accounts" dialog box will appear.

Step 3

Click on the "Mail" tab. Click "Add" then "Mail."


Step 4

Enter the name you would like receivers to see when you send a new mail message in the box next to the heading "Display name:."

Step 5

Click "Next."

Step 6

Enter the email address the Wi-Fi service issued to you. This email address will be with the paperwork for the Wi-Fi service.



Step 7

Click "Next."

Step 8

Select the "server type"--"POP3, IMAP or HTTP." Check the Wi-Fi service's paperwork.

Step 9

Enter the "Incoming mail (POP3, IMAP or HTTP) server:" information provided by your Wi-Fi service.


Step 10

Enter the "Outgoing mail (SMTP) server:" information provided by your Wi-Fi service.

Step 11

Click "Next."

Step 12

Enter the email address from step 6 in the box next to the wording "Account name:."


Step 13

Enter the password for the email address in the box next to the wording "Password:."

Step 14

Click the check box by "Remember Password" so you don't have to enter the password each time.

Step 15

Click "Next" then "Finish."


Step 16

Double-click on your new Wi-Fi email account. Click on the "Servers" tab. If your Wi-Fi service requires authentication, click on the check box by the wording "My Server Requires Authentication" under the heading "Outgoing Mail Server."

If your Wi-Fi service does not require authentication, skip to step 18.

Step 17

Click "Apply" then "OK."

Step 18

Click "Close." You have now set up a new Wi-Fi email account for a Wi-Fi service.



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