Cable boxes transform the signal from your Cable TV service so it can be displayed on your Vizio TV's screen. Use an HDMI cable to make the connection between the two devices, as the interface can carry both audio and video signals in a single wire. HDMI also supports high-definition signals so you can rest assured, knowing your Vizio is receiving the best possible picture and sound.
Step 1
Locate the "HDMI OUT" port on the rear of the cable box.
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Step 2
Insert one end of the HDMI cable into the port on the cable box.
Step 3
Find the "HDMI" port on the back panel of your Vizio TV. Plug the opposite end of the HDMI cable into the port on the TV.
Step 4
Turn your TV on. Press the "Input" button on the TV's control panel or remote until the picture from the cable box appears on the screen.
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