How to Convert a DWORD String

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DWORD values, or "strings," are some of most basic yet commonly used registry key modifiers. The 32-bit values can hold up to four characters of data, and they work well in turning registry entries either on or off. If you need to change DWORD formatting, the Windows-native Calculator application enables you to convert your DWORDs to either a binary, decimal, octadecimal or hexadecimal string of characters.


Step 1

Click on the "Start" button in your taskbar, and then type "calculator" into the Start menu's search box. Click on the "Calculator" icon when it appears in the Start menu.

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Step 2

Click on the Calculator app's "View" heading. Click on the "Programmer" option in the context menu that appears beneath the heading.


Step 3

Click on the "DWORD" bubble when the Calculator app's programmer layer appears. Click on the side of the bubble beside the format to which you'd like to convert your DWORD string. You can select either, "Hex," "Dex," "Oct" or "Bin."



Step 4

Type your DWORD string into the calculator using the application's keypad. Your results will be displayed in the calculator's top window.

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