How to Convert a Safari Document to a Word Document

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Image Credit: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Safari is a web browser used mostly in Mac operating systems. When a web page is saved from a Safari web browser, it is saved in a .WEBARCHIVE format. To convert this .WEBARCHIVE format into .DOC format, it is easiest to first save it as .PDF, and then convert it to .DOC using a free online PDF-to-Microsoft Word Converter service.


Convert the Safari Document to a PDF file

Video of the Day

Step 1

Open the .WEBARCHIVE formatted Safari document in the Safari web browser.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Click the "File" menu and press "Print."


Step 3

On the left-bottom corner of the "Print" dialog box, press the "PDF" button, and select "Save as PDF."

Step 4

Type in the file name and select a location to save the PDF file. Press "Save."


Convert the PDF File to a Word Document

Step 1

Go to or another PDF-to-Microsoft Word conversion site.


Step 2

Under "Step 1," press "Browse" and locate the PDF file. Select the file and press "Open."


Step 3

Under "Step 2," check the ".DOC" check box.

Step 4

Under "Step 3," type in your e-mail address and press "Convert."

Step 5

Check your e-mail account after a few minutes and download the attached Microsoft Word document.


