How to Convert a Wdb File to Xls

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Image Credit: Hemera Technologies/ Images

A WDB file is a Microsoft Works Database, used to store information like names and addresses in a format similar to (but not as fully-featured as) Microsoft Excel. However, Excel cannot natively read Works files, so you'll need to convert any WDB files into XLS workbook files in order to open them in Excel. Making the switch takes just a moment if you still have Works installed, and even if you don't, there are options available for converting between the formats.


In Microsoft Works

Video of the Day

Step 1

Click "File" "Open" and navigate to the folder where your *.WDB file is located.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Click once on the *.WDB file to highlight it, then click the "Open" button.


Step 3

Click "File" "Save As."

Step 4

Navigate to the location on your hard drive where you want to save the resulting *.XLS file.

Step 5

Enter a unique, memorable filename in the "File Name" box.


Step 6

Click the down arrow next to the "Save as Type" box and select "Excel 4.0/5.0 (XLS)."

Step 7

Click "Save."

Without Microsoft Works

Step 1

Confirm that you have Java running correctly by visiting the Java Tester (see Resource 1). If it's installed and working correctly, you will see a pink rectangle. If it's not installed, follow the directions displayed on the site to start Java.


Step 2

Load the free Works Database Converter (see Resource 2) by clicking the "Launch" button towards the bottom of the Works Database Converter website.

Step 3

Click "Choose" next to "Source File" and navigate to the folder where your *.WDB file is located.


Step 4

Double-click on the *.WDB file.

Step 5

Confirm that "Output Type" is set to "Excel Spreadsheet (Tab Separated)" and click "Convert!"



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