How to Convert a Word Document to a CSV File

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Converting a Microsoft Word document as a .csv (comma delimited) file format is best done by importing the data. By using Microsoft Excel to convert the .doc file, being able to open and read it after conversion is more likely than by using the "Saving as" technique. This is because the data is converted in its entirety using Excel's Text Import Wizard feature. Additionally, comma delimited file formats can be used for other purposes, such as for creating mailing lists used in mail merges.


Step 1

Open the Microsoft Word document in Word and save it as a ".txt" file. To do this, select "File" and then chose "Save As." Next, use the down arrow next to "File as Type" and select ".txt."

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Step 2

Open the Microsoft Word document in MS Excel by selecting "File" and then "Open." Find the file in the "Look in" directory from within the "Open" dialog box.


Step 3

Click option "Delimited" and then click "1" beside "Start Import at Row" to indicate the first row to import the data. Next, select the geographical location of the original file format beside "File Origin." When done, click "Next."

Step 4

Click "Tab" under Delimiter preference and then click "Next." Additional options include "Semicolon," "Comma," "Space" and "Other" for you to customize the separating character type.



Step 5

Click "General" as the format option for the "Column Data "and then click "Finish." Other column data formats include "Date," "Date" and "Do not import column (skip)."

Step 6

Select "File" and then choose "Save As" from the toolbar menu.

Step 7

Choose ".csv" as the "Save as Type" and then click "Save."

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