How to Convert a Word Document to a Template

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Word is a popular word processing program designed by Microsoft and used by millions for personal or business reasons. You can quickly create all types of documents with this application. Many times you may use the same information over and over. One way to make the task less time consuming is to create a document once and then convert it to a template that you access at any time.


Step 1

Launch Microsoft Word. Open or create the document you want to convert.

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Step 2

Check over the document for all needed details. Add, edit or alter as required.

Step 3

Click on "Save As" found under "File" on the menu bar. Type the name of the Word document in the "File name" text box.


Step 4

Think of a name that you will easily associate with the document. Use something like "Weekly Work Schedule," "Monthly Sales Letter" and so on.

Step 5

Select "Document Template" from the drop-down list under "Save as type." Click "Save" to convert the document to a template.



Step 6

Access the Word template in the future through launching Microsoft Word and clicking on "New" located under "File" on the menu bar.

Step 7

Click on "Templates." Locate the template on the list. Double-click on template or click on "OK" to open it.

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