The iTunes software will play MP3 audio files on your computer. The program will also place those files on your iPod. The default audio format for the iTunes program and iPods, however, is Advanced Audio Coding, known as "AAC" format. This format keeps the original quality of an MP3 file but in a compressed file that takes up less space on a computer's hard drive. The iTunes software gives you the ability to convert MP3s to the iTunes format, AAC, at no charge.
Add MP3 to iTunes
Video of the Day
Step 1
Open iTunes.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Click "File" at the top of the program window. A menu will open.
Step 3
Select "Add File to Library." Another window will open.
Step 4
Locate and click on the MP3 file that you want to convert to iTunes. Click "Open" at the bottom of the window to add the MP3 to the iTunes library.
Change iTunes Settings
Step 1
Click "Edit" at the top of iTunes. A menu will open.
Step 2
Select "Preferences." A large window will open inside iTunes.
Step 3
Click the "Import Settings" button inside of the large window. A smaller window will open.
Step 4
Click the drop-down menu at the top of the small window, then select "AAC Encoder."
Step 5
Click "OK" at the bottom of the small window, then click "OK" at the bottom of the large window. The iTunes settings will be saved.
Convert MP3 to iTunes
Step 1
Click "Music" underneath "Library" on the left portion of iTunes. All the songs inside iTunes, including the file that you added to iTunes in Section 1, will appear.
Step 2
Scroll through the iTunes songs until you find the MP3 you want to convert to iTunes.
Step 3
Click the MP3, then click "Advanced" at the top of iTunes. A menu will open.
Step 4
Select "Create AAC Version" inside the menu. An AAC version of the song will be created and saved in iTunes.