How to Convert Guitar Pro to Adobe Reader

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Saving Guitar Pro files as PDFs lets you share your guitar tabs with your friends.

Guitar Pro is a program that allows you to create sheet music and guitar tabulature or generate it from imported MIDI files. If you want to share your creations electronically, it's best to save your tab as a PDF file. Sending the gp5 file won't help unless the person you're sharing it with also has Guitar Pro. But a PDF file is portable, and can be read even if the recipient doesn't have the music fonts that come with Guitar Pro.


Step 1

Open a gp5 or gp6 file in Guitar Maker Pro by navigating to the file and double-clicking it.

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Step 2

Adjust the print format by dropping down the "File" menu and clicking "Page Setup..." On the "Page Setup" dialog box, set the paper size, orientation and margins you want for your PDF. Select what other text you want to appear with the guitar tabs (title, copyright, etc.) by click the check boxes next to the text elements. If any text is missing, type it in the field next to the name of the text element. Click "OK" to continue.



Step 3

Convert the tab to a PDF by dropping down the "File" menu and selecting "Export..." Select "PDF..."

Step 4

Select in the "Save As" dialog box the name and the folder where you want the PDF stored. Click "Save." Guitar Pro will create a PDF file in the location you specified, and open Adobe Reader to display the tab.

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