How to Convert Paint Files to PDF

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Image Credit: Creatas Images/Creatas/Getty Images

Microsoft Paint can save pictures in several different formats, including bitmap (BMP), JPG, GIF and TIFF. You can easily convert all of these file formats to PDF with a free print-to-PDF program, such as PrimoPDF. There are two ways to convert from Paint to PDF: the first creates an actual-size picture with white space covering the rest of the page, and the second creates a full-page picture.


Actual Size Picture to PDF

Video of the Day

Step 1

Download and install PrimoPDF (see link below).

Video of the Day

Step 2

Open the file you wish to convert in Microsoft Paint.


Step 3

Go to "File->Print" (or press "Ctrl+P").

Step 4

Choose "PrimoPDF" as the printer and click "OK."

Step 5

Click "..." in the PrimoPDF window that pops up to change the PDF file name or destination folder. Click "OK" to create your PDF.


Full Page Picture to PDF

Step 1

Download and install PrimoPDF.

Step 2

Open the folder where your picture is saved. Right-click on the picture and select "Print."



Step 3

Click "Next" twice in the Photo Printing Wizard. Choose "PrimoPDF" from the printer selection drop-down menu. Click "Next."

Step 4

Select "Full Page Fax Print" if you don't want your photo to be cropped or "Full Page Photo Print" if you don't want white space on the edges of your PDF.


Step 5

Click "Next" and then "Finish." Change the PDF file name and folder, as before, and click "OK" to create your PDF.


