How to Convert Playlist to Relative Path

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Playlist files are commonly in the format M3U. M3U is a text file that is a list of the music files that you want your music player to play. An "absolute path" M3u file will have the music files listed along with their exact location your drive such as C:/music/music.MP3. A "relative path" M3U file is more generalized so that your music player won't be confused if the path name is different. You need a music player that can handle relate path M3U files for them to work. Convert to relative path play-lists with a text editor.


Step 1

Click "start" in Windows and select the folder where your M3U playlist file is located, such as "My Music."

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Step 2

Right-click on the playlist file and select "Open with."


Step 3

Click "Notepad" to open the file. Delete the absolute part of the path that might change. For example, if your moving around your "Songs" folder, change the path "C:/Songs/Music.Mp3" to "Songs/Music.MP3" to make it relative.


Step 4

Click "File" and select "Save" to save any changes.

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