How to Convert PST File to Excel

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You may need to convert your PST file in Outlook to an Excel file to do something with your data, such as creating a list of mailing addresses. The Outlook PST (personal storage table) file is a database containing your Outlook data such as contact info, calendar entries and email messages.


Export Your PST File from Outlook

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Step 1

From Outlook, click the File menu and select "Import and Export."

Video of the Day

Step 2

Select "Export to a File" on the Import and Export Wizard. Click "Next."


Step 3

Select "Microsoft Excel 97-2003" as the file type to create on the Export to a File dialog box. Click "Next." Your PST folders will display in a directory tree.

Step 4

Select the data you want to export from the directory tree. For example, if you want to export your address list to Excel, select the Contacts folder. Click "Next."


Step 5

Type a name for your data file. You can click the "Browse" button to view your computer and select a folder in which to save the file. If you are exporting your contacts to Excel, you might name the file "My Contacts." The file type will already be "Excel 97-2003" based on your selection in step 3. Click "OK" to save the file and click "Finish" to complete the export.



Import Your Outlook Data Into Excel

Step 1

Open Microsoft Excel. Click the Office button and select "Open."

Step 2

Navigate to the location of the file you created when you exported your data from Outlook. Select the file and click "Open."


Step 3

Your data will display in Excel, where you can work with it.
If you exported your contacts, for example, you can work with your data in Excel to create a mailing list.


