How to Convert TIB to VMDK Using Acronis

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You can virtualize your current computer by restoring a backup to a virtual machine.
Image Credit: kjekol/iStock/Getty Images

You can convert an Acronis Backup and Recovery TIB backup file to a VMware VMDK disk by performing a recovery of the backup file to a new virtual machine. Acronis Backup and Recovery will create a virtual machine that uses the backup file as its primary disk drive so you don't have to perform any additional steps to mount and integrate the disk after it's converted.


Step 1

Launch Acronis Backup & Recovery and select Recover.

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Step 2

Choose Select Data and select the disk to convert using the Data View tab or the Archive View tab, depending on where the backup is stored.


Step 3

Select New Virtual Machine in the Recover-To section. Select Save the Virtual Machine As a Set of Files and select VMware as the machine type to create a new virtual machine you can configure with VMWare Workstation; or select Create a New Virtual Machine on the Server and select an ESX(i) virtual appliance server to store and manage the machine. Choose OK when done.


Step 4

Adjust the virtual machine settings, such as the number of processors, amount of memory, type of disk and network configuration as necessary in the Virtual Machine Settings section.


Step 5

Choose Recovery Options and modify the settings as appropriate. Choose Start New Virtual Machine Automatically in the VM Power Management section if you want to auto-start a new machine created on the ESX(i) server.


Step 6

Set the time you want the recovery task to start or choose Recover Now and select OK. Enter the user credentials for Acronis use when automatically logging in if you set the recovery task for a future date.

Step 7

Choose the Backup Plans and Tasks view to monitor the status of the recovery. Access your new virtual machine and the converted VMDK disk when the process is complete.

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