How to Copy a PDF File to a CD

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Saving a copy of a PDF file to a CD is a simple task.

As the world has entered the computer and Internet age, new problems and issues have sprung up concerning the security of important files. For instance, if your computer becomes infected with a virus, crashes or someone simply deletes a file you need, you will have a great deal of trouble restoring this data. Therefore, as a backup plan, saving important computer files will help as a safeguard against any possible mistakes or issues that could end up damaging your computer. Though PDF files may seem like they would not copy to a CD in the same way as a DOC or TXT file would, the process is the same.


Step 1

Click on the Start menu of your computer. Find the "My Computer" section and click on it.

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Step 2

Locate the PDF file within the folders on your computer. Right click on the file. A drop-down menu will appear with several options. Click on the option "Send to." A menu will open, prompting you to choose a destination for the file. Choose the DVD/CD-R drive located within that menu.


Step 3

Enter a blank CD-R or CD-RW into your computer.

Step 4

Return to the "My Computer" section. Click on the DVD/CD-R drive located toward the bottom of the list of drives. A window will pop up showing you the PDF file you sent to the drive. On the left, you will see a small menu. Click on the option "Write these files to CD." The CD-Writing Wizard window will appear.



Step 5

Follow the instructions of the CD-Writing Wizard. Your PDF file will need to be small enough in size to fit on the blank CD-R. After you go through the quick steps in the Writing Wizard, your PDF file will burn to the CD and the Wizard will prompt you when the job is done.

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