How to Copy a PNG Image Into an Outlook Email

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The Microsoft Office Outlook 2010 email program allows you to create messages complete with embedded photos and other types of formatting. This allows you to customize your messages so recipients see the photos as soon as they open the message instead of having to download an attachment. Keep in mind that some email clients and services block embedded images for security reasons. If you have a .png image file you want to include in a message, you can copy and paste it into the message body.


Step 1

Open "Outlook," and click the "New Email Message" icon to create a new message.

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Step 2

Click the "Insert" menu tab, and click the "Picture" icon.

Step 3

Locate the .png image file you want to paste into the message. This can be a file you have stored on your computer or one located online. If the picture is online, right-click the photo, select "Copy image URL" and paste the URL into the "File Name" box in the Insert Image window. You can also choose the "Copy Image" option, and paste the photo directly into the message body without using the Insert Image feature.


Step 4

Click the "Insert" button to paste the photo into the message body.

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