The Microsoft Publisher software, part of the 2010 Professional version of the Microsoft Office Suite, offers a blank canvas for desktop designers looking to produce their own magazines, newsletters and other materials. But Publisher's basic blank canvas, an electronic version of a white piece of copy paper, also serves as an ideal stage for a photo collage. Bring in pictures from a recent vacation, family gathering or just favorite memories and assemble them all on-screen with Publisher.
Step 1
Open Publisher. Click the "More Blank Page Sizes" button under the "Available Templates" section. Choose a page size for the collage, such as the "Letter" option under "Standard. Double-click the blank page template and it opens.
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Step 2
Click the "Insert" tab at the top of the Publisher workspace. Click the "Picture" button.
Step 3
Browse to where the photos for the collage are located. If all pictures are in the same location, press and hold down the "Shift" key, click each file name once and click the "Open" button. Otherwise, browse to individual images, double-click them and repeat until all pictures are tiled on the Publisher workspace.
Step 4
Drag the images off into the gray Publisher canvas so you can see each individual picture.
Step 5
Click a picture and drag it into place on the white workspace.
Step 6
Drag another picture into place, slightly overlapping it as desired. To angle a picture, click the image and twirl the small green dot at its top to rotate it.
Step 7
Move each picture off the gray canvas and onto the white page. Take care that none of the pictures are positioned partially off the white page onto the gray canvas or that part of the image will be cut off.
Step 8
Click the "File" tab. Click "Save As." Enter a name in the "File name" box for the collage and click the "Save" button.
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