How to Create a Quiz Using Microsoft Access Database

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Microsoft Access databases store data records containing pieces of information that can be pulled together by queries and reports. Each database contains tables that store these records, which can include data such as questions and answers for quizzes. Microsoft Access databases store data in tables and can exist as a single file that allows you to create and print a quiz database. Minor differences exist in how tasks are accomplished in the Access versions 2010, 2007 and 2003, which is still widely in use.


Step 1

Open the Microsoft Access application. In Access 2003, click "File," "New" to open the New File task pane. In Access 2010 and 2007, click the "Office Button" and "New" to open the dialog box. Click "Blank Database" to open a new file. A dialog box will open, prompting you to name your file. Click "Create" after you have named your file.


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Step 2

Create your table. In Access 2003, in the design view, highlight "Table" and select "Open." In Access 2010 and 2007, you may select to create a table using a preloaded template that can be customized.

Step 3

Input fields in your table by entering field titles in the grid. To create a quiz, select one table field and entitle it "Question." Name a second field "Answer." You may create a new table for each quiz or input all of the questions and answers into one table that can be filtered by quiz name. Multiple tables can later be linked by queries. To create one master table, add a third field and title it "Quiz Name."



Step 4

Name your table and select "Yes, Set a Primary Key for Me." Click "Next" to continue. Select "Enter Data Directly into the Table" and click "Finish." Enter data directly into your table, and press the "Enter" button upon completion of the first record. The next line will appear for you to enter a second record. When you have completed entering all of your quizzes' questions and answers, save and close the table.


Step 5

Select "Query To" and select specific questions and answers from your table to view or print. Table data can be modified and reformatted at any time.

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