Although Microsoft Excel is a powerful and highly customizable program, it doesn't provide a way to print labels or cards. If you're looking to create professional-looking name badges and you have all the information you need entered neatly into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, the most straightforward solution is to set up your name badge template in Word and then use the mail merge feature to access the names and other data from your spreadsheet.
Step 1
Make sure your Excel worksheet is set up to merge smoothly with Word. If your worksheet does not contain headings, insert a new row at the top of the list and enter basic headings, such as "First Name," "Last Name" and "Title." Do not leave an empty row between the heading row and your data. Enter all of the information you need on the name badges and save the worksheet.
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Step 2
Start Word 2013. Select the "Mailings" tab. Click "Start Mail Merge" in the Start Mail Merge group and choose "Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard." Choose "Labels" under Select Document Type and click "Next."
Step 3
Click "Label Options" and select the name badge template you want to use. If you are using brand name inserts, choose the brand in the Label Vendors box and then select the product number in Product Number list. If you are using standard paper, select a label with the dimensions you want to use, which you can view in the Label Information section on the right. Click "OK" to select the label and create a name badge document. Click "Next."
Step 4
Select "Use an Existing List" under Select Recipients and click the "Browse" link to open the Select Data Source window. Find and select the Excel worksheet you want to use and click "Open." Select the sheet containing the list and click "OK." Clear the check boxes beside any names you do not want to merge and click "OK." Click "Next" on the mail merge pane to continue.
Step 5
Click "More Items" under Arrange Your Labels to open the Insert Merge Field dialog box. Select the fields you want to add to the label, clicking "Insert" after each one. Click "Close." Format the fields on the first label as you want them to appear. For instance, you can center them on the label, change the font or move them to separate lines. Click "Update All Labels" to apply the changes to the entire document and then click "Next" to proceed.
Step 6
Preview the appearance of the name badges and make any changes you desire. Click "Next" to complete the merge and create all of the name badges.
Step 7
Click "Edit Individual Labels" if you note any errors or want to make a few changes. Click "Print" when you are ready to print the name badges.
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