Photoscape is free image-editing software developed by Mooii Tech. The program is capable of executing many dynamic editing tasks such as making actual photographs look like they were sketched in color pencil. Photoscape does not have an explicit "Cut" tool, however. If there is a section of a photograph you would like to cut out, there are different ways to go about it depending upon what you are trying to achieve. For example, if you want to cut out a section of a photo and paste it onto a new canvas, you have to use the program's Crop tool.
Copy Onto a New Canvas
Video of the Day
Step 1
Launch the Photoscape application. Select "Editor."
Video of the Day
Step 2
Scroll through the picture log in the left window panel. Select the picture you want to edit. Drag it over to the right window panel.
Step 3
Go to the "Crop" tab located underneath the picture window.
Step 4
Use your mouse to select the area of the picture you want to cut out and paste to a new canvas.
Step 5
Click "Save Cropped Area." Enter a name for the file in the "File name" box. Open the "Save in" drop-down menu. Navigate to the directory where you want the photo to be saved. Click "Save."
Step 6
Use the Windows Explorer style console tree that's located in the left-side window panel, to browse to the location where the cropped imaged was saved.
Step 7
Click on the image and drag it over to the left-side window panel.
Erase a Section of the Photo
Step 1
Launch the Photoscape application. Select "Editor."
Step 2
Scroll through the picture log in the left window panel. Click on the image you want to edit and drag it over to the right window panel.
Step 3
Go to the "Tools" tab located underneath the picture window. Click the "Clone Stamp" button.
Step 4
Click on a blank space in the photograph.
Step 5
Click and hold on the area you want to erase and begin mousing over the area. The area being moused over will be replaced with the blank area image selected in Step 4. This technique is useful if you are looking to make it seem like something that was originally present in a photograph wasn't there.
White Out a Section of the Photo
Step 1
Launch the Photoscape application. Select "Editor."
Step 2
Scroll through the picture log in the left-side window panel. Click on the image you want to edit and drag it over to the right-side window panel.
Step 3
Go to the "Tools" tab located underneath the picture window. Click the "Paint Brush" button.
Step 4
Open the color selection drop-down menu. Select the color white.
Step 5
Click and hold on the area you want to white out. Begin mousing over the area. The area being moused over will turn white. This technique is useful if you are looking to make a section of the photo blank.