How to Delete MountPoints2 With Regedit

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MountPoints2 is a registry entry that stores data to USB devices, such as USB keys and removable hard drives. This key also saves information regarding autorun actions for various devices. When you delete MountPoints2, it will not disrupt the regulation of your system. Removing it with Regedit, or the Registry Editor, will merely delete the USB device information and autorun settings. Getting rid of this key with Regedit only requires a few procedures.


Step 1

Click "Start."

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Step 2

Type "regedit" in the Start Search field and press "Enter." This will open the Registry Editor tool.

Step 3

Navigate the following registry path on the left side of the window pane:


HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Microsoft>Windows> CurrentVersion>Explorer>MountPoints2


Step 4

Right-click the "MountPoints2" folder and click "Delete." Confirm the deletion of this folder.

Step 5

Exit the Registry Editor.

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