How to Disable Fortinet

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Disable Fortinet to allow full access to the Internet on your network.

Fortinet is a Web filtering service that was programmed to help system administrators block certain types of content. The rules governing the content Fortinet blocks are created from a global data pool and, as a result, the software can end up blocking websites that contain useful tools and information. Rather than rewriting the filtering rules for the network, system administrators can use a local SOCKS proxy with Secure Shell that directs the content to a remote, unfiltered destination.


Step 1

Download PuTTY. PuTTY is an SSH client that assists the set up of local SOCKS proxies.

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Step 2

Double-click the PuTTY icon to start the program.

Step 3

Click the radial button labeled "SSH."


Step 4

Input the remote, unfiltered SSH server's IP address or domain name.

Step 5

Enter "22" for the port number, unless the connection port is listed as something other than "Default."


Step 6

Click the option tab labeled "Tunnels," then click the radial button marked "Dynamic."

Step 7

Enter "localhost" and "8080" as the source port.

Step 8

Click the "Add" button. This will create the SOCKS proxy server necessary for bypassing Fortinet.


Step 9

Click the option tab marked "Session," then click "Connect." Enter your network user name and password to establish the connection with the remote server.


Step 10

Launch your Web browser.


Step 11

Click "Tools," then click "Internet Options." Select the tab labeled "Connection," "Network," or "Proxies." The wording of the tab depends on the type of Web browser you have installed.

Step 12

Type "localhost:8080" where it lists the Web or HTTP/HTTPS proxy. Click "OK" to save the settings. Your Web traffic will now be routed to the unfiltered domain, thus bypassing Fortinet.

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